A Hot Spring’s Day: Jimmy Up Matsuri at Willow Springs

Back in May I loaded up in my car and left Las Vegas at 3AM to drive to the legendary Willow Springs for the Jimmy Up Matsuri. I’m glad I made the journey but it’s not one I’ll likely make again soon. I severely underestimated just how taxing driving 4 hours in the early light through the Mojave and then shooting an event on the side of a mountain can be. That being said, the event itself was a fun time. I got to hangout with some friends, make new ones and had a few moments where I was truly able to enjoy myself doing what I like to do. I had a longer article prepared that covered things in more detail but it unfortunately got lost due to some technical issues that won’t happen again. Live and learn. I didn’t want to sit on these any longer, so enjoy a gallery from the Jimmy Up Matsuri! 

Dawn in the Mojave

Purple S13 with Advan SA3Rs


Toyota Mark II (JZX90)


A lil’ sideways action and trackside relaxing.

Full Gallery (95)


Z Axis: Harmon Restoration Open House


Shot Callers: Lowballers Quality Meats