Z Axis: Harmon Restoration Open House

The past several days can be described as an experience of truly oppressively heat. Triple digit numbers, humidity, no wind or cloud cover makes for an environment where I just want to sit inside my cool air conditioned home and question my own decision to move to the desert. On Saturday, the big man upstairs gave us a break and things felt nice outside, which made going to Harmon Restoration’s open house event that much better. I was somewhat aware of them before I moved there, but this was the first time I was able to go and check it out myself. My buddy Ian enlisted me in his mission to drive his entire fleet of S130s to the event and I’m thankful for it. Driving one of his 280ZX’s was an experience that made me warm up even more to the car I once would simply overlook, that and I just relished in driving an old pre-00’s manual car again.

I was very impressed when I showed up to Harmon Restoration with Ian on Saturday. Joel, the owner, has ensured that the place is highly organized and things are labeled making for an extremely clean and orderly environment. Having worked in restoration minded shops in the past, the extent of which Joel has his shop organized is unparalleled in what I’ve experienced so far. The Z’s that are in the shop currently range from original examples to the highly modified, but each one was exceptionally clean. As the event got underway the lot began to fill with a small selection of eye catching vehicles that I was ecstatic to capture. After having a busy past couple months, spending an evening at Harmon Restoration with my friends and taking in all Joel had brought together was a fantastic way to spend a Saturday night and I’m super glad I was able to go. Really happy with how these photos turned out so enjoy this small collection of photos from last night!

Bonus photos from a low rider meet that same night.

Full Gallery (41 )


Final Bout 4: The Top-Shelf of Drifting


A Hot Spring’s Day: Jimmy Up Matsuri at Willow Springs